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sp_Develop Parameter Explanations

While you can run sp_Develop without any parameters there is more you can do with additional parameters.

Parameter Details
@DatabaseName Defaults to current DB if not specified
@GetAllDatabases When = 1, runs checks across all the databases on the server instead of just your current database context. Does not work on Azure SQL Server.
@BringThePain If you’ve got more than 50 databases on the server, this only works if you also pass in @BringThePain = 1, because it’s gonna be slow.
@SkipCheckServer The linked server name that stores the skip checks
@SkipCheckDatabase The database that stores the skip checks
@SkipCheckSchema The schema for the skip check table, when you pass in a value the SkipCheckTSQL column will be used
@SkipCheckTable The table that stores the skip checks, when you pass in a value the SkipCheckTSQL column will be used
@OutputType TABLE = table
COUNT = row with number found
MARKDOWN = bulleted list
XML = table output as XML
NONE = none
@ShowSummary When = 1, a summary result set is outputted displaying a count of the findings based on the finding group and finding.
@PriorityOrHigher When you specify [Critical, High, Medium, Low] for a value the result set will only findings with the matching priority level or higher.
@RunCheckIds Specify a comma delimited list of CheckIds like 1,2,3 if you only need a limited number of checks to run.
@Debug When = 1, we print out messages of what we’re doing in the messages tab of SQL Server Management Studio. When 2, we print out the dynamic SQL query of the check.
@Version Output variable to check the version number.
@VersionDate Output variable to check the version date.
@VersionCheckMode Will set the version output variables and return without running the stored procedure.

Why you would want to skip checks View on GitHub