Running Issues
These are some issues you might run into when running sp_Develop.
Table of contents
Some Checks Skipped
Check Id: 26
We skipped some checks that are not currently possible, relevant, or practical for the SQL Server sp_Develop is running against. This could be due to the SQL Server version/edition or the database compatibility level.
sp_Develop is Over 6 Months Old
Check Id: 16
There most likely been some new checks and fixes performed within the last 6 months - time to go download the current sp_Develop.
Ran on a Non-Readable Availability Group Secondary Databases
Check Id: 17
You are running this on an AG secondary, and some of your databases are configured as non-readable when this is a secondary node. To analyze those databases, run sp_Develop on the primary, or on a readable secondary.
Ran Against 50+ Databases Without @BringThePain = 1
Check Id: 18
Running sp_Develop on a server with 50+ databases may cause temporary insanity for the server and/or user. If you’re sure you want to do this, run again with the parameter @BringThePain = 1.